This post is about one such App - called iThink. It basically allows you to read someone's opinion, and click 'agree' or 'disagree'. If you are feeling majorly enthu, you can also add a comment. And if you feel strongly about something, u can add a new 'opinion'.
What's the big deal about this, you ask, just like i did about Facebook a few days back. Well, try it -is all i can say. Personally, i like it coz it allows a free exchange of ideas - with people you know, and also with complete strangers. That has a lot of value for people like me - who have strong opinions and love discussions (especially the challenging, heated sort). As our lives become filled with more-and more work, along with other activities, we are left with no time or inclination to just think about general issues, discuss them with someone, or to meet new people (either like-minded or those who see the other side of the coin!).
iThink at Facebook changes that a tiny little bit. Try it!
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